what do you think will happen next in your book?

to be honest I haven’t read that much I’m not a kid who likes or can’t get into reading I’m the kinda of guy who works and is hands-on in the world but what ik of this book is it’s about a girl who loses her dad at a young age and then her mom and then since in a way no one wanted her to stay together forever she had to become one of the sisters who make all the decisions about what people do for jobs or other stuff so I’m guessing she’s going to run away or that she will end up leaving because she really hates this role and fakeness that she has to act and be. I predict this because like I said she really hates everything to do with the sisters and she just wants her brother to be in her life once again. that there is like zombies in this and it’s a servile kinda of book.that it explains way too much about stuff and it takes forever to read just one part of what’s happening in it like drinking water/ or running. a connection I made between this and limetown is that the main people care a lot and it’s full of wonders.

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